Physics laboratory is a place where experiments of Physics are carried out. As we know physics is that branch of science where experimentation is an integral part of the core subject. Almost in every educational institution these physics laboratories are found. Nonetheless the sophistication of the educational laboratory varies from institute to institute.
With myriad physics lab equipments manufacturers available around the globe equipping a laboratory is no more a Herculean task. Most of the colleges buy physics apparatus with respect to the curriculum. As per Oxford Advance Learners dictionary definition Physics is “the scientific study of matter and energy and the relationships between them, including the study of forces, heat, light, sound, electricity and the structure of atoms”.
One can see that Physics is a vast subject engulfing various disciplines in it and at school level a student is taught fundamentals of all these disciplines. In each of it there is multitude of experiments to be performed at school level.
There is a wide range of physics laboratory equipments from the common ones like magnets, pulleys, pendulums, inclined planes, heat lamps, beakers, lenses, glasses, tuning forks, item scales etc to sophisticated ones like spectroscopes, microscopes, electromagnets, voltammeter, potentiometer, etc.