1. Students should arrive at school at least 5 minutes before the assembly. No one who has late been late may be admitted to class without an admittance slip.
2. Silence within the class room is mandatory.
3. Damage to school property is repaired at the cost of the responsible party.
4. The school is not responsible for good lost. Students are advised not to bring valuable articles to school. Book bags, Pencil boxes and Tiffin carries should be marked with the student’s name.
5. In case of a contagious disease in their homes, the student should not come to school without the usual clearance from the Doctor.
6. Any student found using unfair means during an examination will be debarred from further examination and is liable to be detained/expelled.
7. When school is in session. Parents should not visit the classes or teachers without explicit permission.
8. Students are advised not to buy food from the hawkers who are crowded near school gate.
9. Since students have a habit of studying just before an exam, the stress will now be on continuous assessment. Spurious rests and quizzes will be conducted. If student misses any of these tests, no provision will be made for a re-test.
10. A student who is not habitually clean or properly dressed in the school uniform, will be sent home.
11. Students are not permitted to leave the school campus at any time during the school hours. Parents are advised not to request the office for such permission
12. Parents are advised not to send a sick child to school only for exam.
13. No provision is made for supplementary test for those who remain absent from test and test and terminal examinations.
14. All should bring simple school bags to the school. Mobile phones, Cameras, Electronic gadgets are prohibited items in the campus.